The benefits of height adjustable desks

Why sit when you could stand? More and more people are coming to realise the importance of standing up during the working day. Sit-stand desks help provide the conditions for a more ergonomic working environment and even improved health. Varying your posture activates muscles in your legs and back, which in turn increases blood circulation and helps prevent musculoskeletal injuries. You might even lose weight!
Sitting all day is not healthy in the long term
"It is important that you spend time both standing and sitting during your working day", says Anna Millbourn Olander, ergonomist and licensed physical therapist. "By having a desk that is easy to adjust in height, you can do both. You should not work sitting down for more than two consecutive hours - instead take a break every so often to stretch your legs. Reducing the amount of time you spend sitting for long periods without moving reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease as well as diabetes."
Small steps - big benefits
Fairly small changes that can yield big results when it comes to your health and wellbeing.
"The benefits are so numerous that everyone who works in an office should have access to a height-adjustable desk. The body uses around three times as much energy when standing up as it does when sitting down. Studies show that by standing up for just a few hours whilst at work you will burn fat, which means that you can actually lose several pounds a year!
"Taking a walk on your lunch hour is also recommended", she adds. "At the same time it must be stressed that it is by no means forbidden to sit in the office, you have to vary your posture and sometimes it is even a good idea to sit down for a while to avoid putting too much pressure on the knees and feet", says Anna.