Social sustainability

Feel good at work
We want AJ Products to be an open, inclusive and equal workplace. The corporate culture that we have built up over time has always been an important part of who we are. Our aspiration to be and act in a certain way is exemplified by our four core values: to be responsive, knowledgeable, smart and helpful. They guide us in our work and influence decisions at all levels of the organisation.
Our employees are a large part of the culture. In order for new employees to get a good start with us, we have built a pre- and on-boarding programme that begins even before the first day of work. The year-long programme is there to ensure that all new hires receive the same conditions to succeed in their role and also to help them integrate into AJ's work culture.
It is of the utmost importance to us that the working environment should be safe and secure. Our efforts to prevent workplace accidents and incidents, as well as the occurrence of work-related illness, are constantly ongoing. In 2021, we were able to enjoy a whole year without a single accident at our factory in Poland, which is a new record!

Demanding social responsibility from our suppliers
We have over 300 suppliers, so it is extremely important for us to ensure compliance with the company’s guidelines and policies. The majority (91%) of our suppliers are located in Europe while only a small percentage (9%) are located in Asia. Our two wholly-owned European factories account for 35% of total purchases.
We carry out annual, systematic CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) checks within the supply chain based on a risk assessment that we continuously develop and update. Human rights, labour laws, anti-corruption, and quality and environmental requirements are central criteria for our purchases. Follow-ups and audits take place through self-evaluation or through visits to the factories.

Social commitment
Supporting various charities and organisations as well as contributing to social engagement in the community is important to us at AJ Products.
Since 2012, we have supported Yennenga Progress, a Swedish non-profit organisation that actively contributes to community-building by developing the concept of The Good Village. What started with a pre-school in the village of Nakamtenga, Burkina Faso, has developed since 2001 into a complete and growing community. AJ Products supports the project by contributing furniture to the school and village.